
Study Skills
When it comes to study skills, it’s always started off with high motivation and short momentum.
Very often our motivation dies down when we face challenges in new topics.
Here are few methods for your consideration to extend your momentum
[ Method 1 ]
Break down your information into 5W1H with before, during and after reading What, Why, Who, When, Where, How
What- What are the facts? What do you know? What was it about? What will you see / hear / feel / smell ?
Why- Why do you need to know ? Why does it happen? Why does it not happen as expected?
Who- Who are involved? Who can help you? Who can you think of?
When- When did it happen? When will it happen?
Where- Where did it happen? Where can you find it? Where can it go? Where will you put it?
How- How was it done? How was it settled? How was it handled? How did it happen?
The 5W1H is a questioning and problem-solving method that aims to view ideas and issues from a different perspective. It helps you to understand a problem better and find the root cause of it.
[ Method 2 ]
Set a relevant and achievable short term goal or target . Tell your friends. Let them follow up with you after a certain time span.
Start from a small goal if you do not have the habit to keep track of your goals. You may be easily influenced or weaker in your discipline if you are distracted from your goal. If you failed to achieve the goal, then reflect on WHY and What happens that stops you from achieving it. It may be that the goal is not your priority in life.
Start something achievable. Do not need to feel awkward if your goals are set below the benchmark of others. It’s perfectly fine to start small as long as you are working towards your goals.
Set a goal to
1) sleep early by 1am instead of 3am.
2) drink 3 cups of boiled plain water per day
3) walk 1000 steps per day
4) Do 3 Math, 4 physics, 5 chemistry questions, learn 6 vocabs words
For No 4, it is highly possible that some people may not be able to accomplish. However, it is ok as by setting an increasing workload, you will comparably feel that doing 3 Math, 4 Physics questions, is easy and light. So when you try to complete the first 2 targets, it won’t be so draggy and demotivating to you, deterring you from taking time to study it.
5) Design it, Colour it, Beautify it. Containers , connectors, nice fonts , colourful visual aids can lift up your energy
6) Break down the notes
-Collate small bites of information for absorption
-Cue Card resources in pc: ( require download of the software / app )
7) Visual aids. Make cue cards. Challenge yourself whenever you see cue cards/ post-it notes somewhere in your house.
8) Set up a game with your friends. Find your resources; Vonn Study Cube [ in resources]
Compete with your friends or play it yourself
How: Get friends to write facts they know on 4 sides of the cube. You contribute to 1 side of the cube. Leave the last side as a Wild card or for next comers.
Self-determine how much info you want to be on any of the sides. It can be random questions or target a certain topic. Subject to your preference.
Cut and fold the cube after everyone writes down the facts / questions with answers upside down or being covered.
Together with friends, take turns to Toss and Dice. The person who turns to toss, will have to answer the questions or read out the statement that is reflected on the top view of the cube. ( side facing up )
Set a penalty ( eg. minus points , 3 push ups ) for participants who failed to answer correctly. Get the game going. All rules and regulations are editable and changeable. Subject to the learners preference.
Please refer to our pictures for examples and resources for use:
Credit is appreciated if you are using any part of the content for your own use or work.

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BLOG / RESOURCES VONN’s BLOG Blog Study Skills When it comes to study skills, it’s always started off with high motivation and …